What is an Audiologist?

2023-05-19T13:23:55-04:00February 24, 2022||

Audiologists are health-care professionals who evaluate, diagnose, treat, and manage hearing loss, tinnitus, and balance disorders. Doctors of Audiology obtain their degree following a minimum of seven to eight years of higher education specializing in hearing science, auditory disorders and auditory rehabilitation (hearing aids).

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I can hear people speak, but sometimes I can’t understand what they say. Why is that?

2022-02-24T16:28:21-05:00February 24, 2022||

Hearing loss may be worse in certain pitches than in others. When you have a hearing loss, the brain is always plugging in missing information (redundancy), allowing you to understand what is said. This process is very similar to a spell check on a computer. [...]

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Is hearing loss just part of growing old?

2022-02-24T16:28:03-05:00February 24, 2022||

While hearing loss is common as we age, there are many factors that can contribute to hearing loss. The ear is a very vascular mechanism. It requires oxygen and the many nutrients of the blood supply to remain healthy. Anything that disrupts the blood supply [...]

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What is central hearing loss?

2023-05-19T13:25:28-04:00February 24, 2022||

This is a hearing loss that originates from the central nervous system or the brain. It is characterized by poor understanding and slow processing of speech. Treatments may vary from medical to auditory rehabilitation. The audiologists at American Hearing & Audiology are trained to diagnose [...]

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What is conductive hearing loss?

2024-10-02T17:27:47-04:00February 24, 2022||

Conductive hearing loss is caused by a condition or disease that blocks or impedes the movement of sound waves throughout the outer or middle ear. The result is a reduction in loudness or clarity of sound that reaches the inner ear. The treatment for conductive [...]

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What is sensorineural hearing loss?

2022-02-24T16:26:59-05:00February 24, 2022||

Sensorineural hearing loss results from damage to the neurons within the inner ear or auditory nerve dysfunction. It is typically irreversible and permanent. It affects the intensity (or loudness) of sound, but more often results in a lack of clarity of sounds, particularly speech. The [...]

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